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47. What I DIDN'T Do When Someone Laughed at My Pricing (literally)
Welcome back to The Rich Man Podcast!
In this week's episode, we’re talking about a recent experience I had and why it had NOTHING to do with me or my pricing. Here’s your answer to the question so many of us are...
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46. Replacing The 9-5 Income While Working Less as a Mom of Two with Jenni Hänninen
Welcome back to The Rich Man Podcast!
In this week's episode, I am joined by Jenni Hanninen to replace the 9-5 income While Working Less. We break down 5 things that any new business owner can use to make their...
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45. What Our Lowest Month to Date Taught Us (Hint: massive celebrations!)
The Rich Man Podcast is BACK!
In this week's episode, we are talking about our lowest income month ever! And why it was the month we celebrated the most.
"never let your circumstance decide where you’re...
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44. This Is Why I Don't Believe in "Warming Up My Audience"
In this weeks episode we are discussing why I don't believe in the warm up period with our ideal clients.
"We should always be showcasing our expertise and ensure that were providing value for our audience,...
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43. This Is Why Manifestation Feels Hard (and No The Universe Isn't Testing You)
In this weeks episode we are getting squeaky clean in our manifestation process to align ourselves with our level 10.
"the Universe is only ever delivering what it thinks we want"
"who I believed I needed to...
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42. Manifestation is a Strategy - Here's Why
In this weeks episode we are discussing the strategy behind manifestation and why the 'how' actually does matter.
"the how does matter, its the attachment to the how that does not matter"
Money Maven...
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41. Let's Play in the 'What if? Why not' Power Portal
In this weeks episode we are continuing to the activating conversation from last week. We are diving into why seeing our power first is essential to seeing the power in our people.
"The power in me will...
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40. AN ACTIVATION: Let's Play With Your Power, Shall We?
In this weeks episode we're dissecting what power is, how to activate it and where we should be using it.
"they're not more powerful than you, they're just on a different path"
Join the party on...
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39. How I Lead When Business Feels Hard & Everything is Seemingly Going to Sh*t
In this weeks episode we're learning how to lead ourselves through the disappointment and why it matters.
"When we can lead ourselves continuously and consistently through the shit, nothing can stop...
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38. Passive Income Opportunities You're Likely Overthinking (TRY THIS!)
In this weeks episode we are creating passive income in ways that you may be overlooking!
"there is a level of ease that goes along side passive income, as long as you take the pressure out."
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37. How My Business Has Changed & My Biggest Fears Entering Pregnancy
In this weeks episode we are tackling new fears in business while navigating through an entirely new season of life.
"it's not the strategy that works, its your belief in whether or not that strategy is...
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In this weeks episode I am giving you all of the unfiltered goodness behind pregnancy and how I am navigating through business while taking a step back.
I worked withHannah Aylwards team
"Anything that you're...
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